Day 2: Continued

After the opening ceremony (where I found out I have to write term papers) we headed out for shopping at the local Korean TESCO. I pondered purchasing a local delicacy of SPAM but opted for a picture instead. We then headed out for a little Korean fast food dining; I am still not sure what I ate.

On the way back to the dorm I saw a group of boys playing, not soccer, basketball or any other outside sport but boys crowded around playing video games on the street.


  1. Loving the pics and blog, keep it coming! LOVE TESCO!!!! Bring me a tesco bag back :)

  2. Ode to the SPAM!! When the holidays approach, all the supermarkets there will carry gift baskets with assortments of SPAM. It's interesting.

  3. Angela, the food is growing on me. I am still unsure about some of the meat products. Melanie, the TESCO Bags are not the same but if I find a cool one it is yours. David I hope you are joking:) how can anyone like SPAM that much.

  4. Check this out :) I'm not kidding about the SPAM.


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